Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Post #7

For the video Network Student by wdrexler, it is a shorter video than a lot of others, yet I do think applying this can be useful for every student. It takes a student at the beginning before his use of any computer device and sets him up a correct way of using the internet for school use. The kid in the video is studying American Psychology in one of his classes at his school. His teacher does not go by the text book, and says that it is good to go by the term connectivism which is looked at as a social network on the internet that is looked at as a great way of learning. A key thing the teacher explains to her students in this class is to connect with the other students in the class, that way each student can see the progress of the other students and of course can learn what they learned by reading their posts.
The kid in the video uses Google Scholar as his source to look up validly good sites that are correct for a school student to look at. Every good rated site he gets, he records that site on his social network, so every student can get the chance to go that site and learn what he did. From the network site for he and his fellow students, he has the choice of what other student's blog he wants to comment on. Since he has learned information from the source google scholar, he is now able to comment in a valid way to his other classmates posts. He eventually produces his own blog and not only do his fellow classmates have access to comment on the blog, but anybody in the world on the network site he is on can comment on his blog. People can comment who know more information, so the kid reading comments posted on his blog can help him realize additional specific things about whatever topic.
The kid has a mp3 player and realizes that there are ways of learning from this device. He uses iTunes U, which is a device that has thousands of audio recordings and videos from professors teaching what they would in class. He soon realizes that he can have access to sites where college professors teach, which lets him know that it is never a problem to ask questions about anything in life. The reason is because asking questions can and will only help you learn more knowledge in general. This network does indeed have a wide range of connections, which allows students to be able to go to that many more education sites, which can only mean for them to learn more if anything. I do not see any type of problem with the way this kid was taught how to use a computer.

The seventh grade girl knows a very good way to get around on her computer. I do like how her computer is set up to where she can go anywhere she wants from her home page. She explains that the way she does school work is so much better than with a pen and paper, and that she does not even need a pen for her class. So it is already heard of that computers are a legit tool for some United States students in the world. The big step and /or question is, "When is every student going to be able to do it her way?"

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