Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blog Post # 8

For the "This is how we dream" videos, there are many ways pointed out about how to get around on the internet. Richard Miller is the guy who puts on these videos, and the first thing he points out is how we write things are important. He also points out the fact that where each individual works is very important, because that can dictate how much money will end up in your account. He has a site where which he is head of which is called academic online where anyone can log in at and learn information from multiple sources. He then points out a network technology area where people communicate over line by recording themselves with their own computer.
He points out that his site has holds information for workers where they can actually do their work over the internet which can save a lot of energy in the body. On the site there are categories where subjects are listed to talk about whatever it is you are interested in learning about. There is a part in the second video that mentions how you can build things from the site with specifics where you can build it how you like it. Not only can you make the design of the buildings, but you can control the electric part as well, and everything one needs in the building, like air conditions as well.
Using technology for building gives a better chance of living our dreams as Miller mentions. I do agree with him because with technology there is an unlimited area of space to see how much you can do to build your buildings.

For Carly's # 12 Post, she starts out by explaining how she saw that blog post #12 is every student's own design and she takes advantage of it! After reading the comments for Carly's post, I realized that many students did admit that they came up with more ideas with ways they will teach in the future. Some others who commented mentioned how Carly points out how it is important for a teacher to figure out their philosophy behind teaching. One girl said that she never knew that Carly's idea ever existed. To me, that is pretty impressive for Carly. All I see is good comments, which points out the explanation of why reading Carly's post #12 is an assignment for us in EDM 310.
I do like the ten points Carly tells us other students to question about ourselves about being teachers. Going by her ten points will help me in being a better teacher. I love her number 6, which is describe what a good teacher is and what a bad teacher is. For any student to be able to reply to the ten things Carly mentions without hesitating can point out students who know more about teaching than others. The idea of her inspirational playlist is a very good idea to me, because it does not seem boring for us students to read, or anyone to read. She really did a good job on her post about ways of pointing out facts of teaching.

Based on watching the two student videos on procrastinating and edm310 for dummies, I came up with an idea for a video I would like to help create. I would like my video to be about the fact that every single student entering EDM310 is at their own knowledge level with technology. With this being made clear at the beginning of the video, then the video could mention all of the different network sources that edm310 students have to learn to use. I think it would also be effective if there is a point that states that not everybody is good with technology as others are, and I think that this fact is avoided by a lot of people including certain SI students. I think it is also a good idea if the video includes a scene where the SI students are there for any questions at any times. This video seems like nothing new, but honestly if it were done, it could help everyone in the classroom realize that there are people in here that are not good with technology and that those people really do need help.

For the video on Learn to Change, Change to Learn, I like how these people are upfront about how different the school system is compared to how students are outside of school in the real world. Honestly, this is the video I have been waiting on to see because I feel like this will help there be a transition in the education field. Being that educators made this youtube video, I feel like it has potential to help other educators realize the cold facts that the original makers are saying in this video. One guy in the later part of the video says that different types of technology ways of learning are already around the world in today's world. I did not know that schools were already doing this! Also, when he says this, it helped me as an individual learn that there can be more than just one technology way of learning. The flip side to that in my opinion is that there is a bigger chance of students being able to "hack" into the educational technology sources with the fact that there is more than just one direct way. I really like the vibe I get from the people who made this video, because it seems like a main thing all of these people want to accomplish in schools is really to make things closer for students to how they act outside of school related to how they are in school.

For the 3 out of 5 topics we have to choose from, the first one I choose is on number 2, about finding a site where you can pay to make your own site. The cool thing about the source I found, which is called "Ning", is that you can pay $19.95 for a whole year to create your own personal mini site. This could be useful for a person who wants to worry about a specific area of study. For the second of three things, I am doing number one, about finding a site where you can be viewed as a teacher and the one I chose is called Classroom 2.0. I could use classroom 2.0 to post all of my assignments on a certain link that my students would know because I would make sure to print out my specific blog url to each student. On my site, I could have videos posted on the site that is me lecturing specific math course and for each video, there would be a name for each video so each student would know where to go. Also on this site, I would have a question link for any student and/or parent to ask me any question at any time. For the third thing I have to do, I will pick number 4 which is about picking a video tool that I have never used before. The one I chose is under the site called On this site, it has so many specifics that people who make video games are even using this site as a source. You can change just about anything you want about any picture you want to choose from. You can have your character at any type of angle you want with any type of facial expression. The shorter answer about this site is really-"What can I not do?".

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I especially agreed with you when you said you could use classroom 2.0 to post your assignments on a link that your students would be able to use. That is such a great idea! That site sounds really neat. My only advice is to definitely proofread your work because some of your sentences don't make sense. Other than that, great job explaining the videos and giving your opinion!
